TweakMASTER Pro 3.04 build R3127

TweakMASTER Pro 3.04 build R3127

TweakMASTER Pro 3.04 build R3127 | 3.65 Mb

Program ini berbeda dari tweaker lain, dalam semua hal, dan lebih fokus. Jika pengoptimalan lain biasanya termasuk berbagai utilitas sampai unit cadangan, TweakMASTER hanya berisi cara untuk mengkonfigurasi sambungan Internet. Secara umum kita dapat mengatakan bahwa program ini sangat lengkap solusi dan akan menjadi penolong besar bagi mereka yang bekerja banyak di Internet. Ini mencakup hampir semua alat-alat yang mereka dapat datang menolong - dari utilitas untuk melakukan sinkronisasi waktu kepada sistem untuk sarana untuk men-download halaman Web di latar belakang. intinya ini bisa membuat internet kita lebih cepat dari sebelumnya .

This program differs from other tweaking, above all, a narrow focus. If other optimizers often include a variety of utilities bootblack roster until backup units, TweakMASTER contains only the means to configure the Internet connection. In general we can say that the program is very complete solution and will be a great helper for those who work a lot on the Internet. It includes virtually all of the tools that they can come in handy - from utilities to synchronize the system time to the means to download Web pages in the background.
Would you like to ...

� Automatically optimize and speed up any type of Internet connection.
� Use advanced, yet easy to use, networking diagnostics and troubleshooting tools.
� Optimize Internet Explorer and Firefox for snappier web surfing.
� Be in total control of all networking configuration settings.
� Specific optimizations for every Windows version from Windows 2000 to Windows 7.

What's new in TweakMASTER 3.04:
� TweakMASTER has been updated for a better compatibility with localized versions of Windows Vista and Windows 7 (users of German Windows Vista are the most affected).
� An optional Ask toolbar has been removed from TweakMASTER installer.
� Several minor fixes and improvements.


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