HDD Regenerator 1.71

HDD Regenerator screenshot 1

HDD Regenerator adalah program software unik untuk meregenerasi hard disk drive yang rusak secara fisik serta tidak akan menyembunyikan bad sector, dan benar-benar akan mengembalikan mereka!

Jika Anda menduga bahwa hard drive anda berisi bad sector, Anda mungkin mengalami kesulitan ketika Anda mencoba untuk menyalin data dari harddisk anda, atau melihat bahwa sistem operasi Anda tidak stabil atau menemukan bahwa Anda tidak dapat boot ke Windows sama sekali. Tetapi tidak ada perlu panik dan mulai membayar banyak uang untuk pemulihan bisnis jasa, atau membuang hard drive anda berpikir bahwa informasi penting Anda akan hilang untuk selamanya.

Mengambil keuntungan dari perangkat lunak ini, itu adalah satu-satunya pemulihan disk aplikasi yang dapat menyelamatkan regenerasi PC dengan hard disk drive mereka dari sektor buruk.

HDD Regenerator is unique software program for regeneration of physically damaged hard disk drives. It does not hide bad sectors, it really restores them!

If you suspect that your hard drive contains bad sectors, you may experience difficulties when you try to copy data from your disk, or notice that your operating system is unstable or discover that you are unable to boot to Windows altogether. But there is no need to panic and start paying lots of money for a business recovery service, or throw out your hard drive thinking that your important information is lost for good.

Take advantage of this software, it is the only disk recovery applications that can rescue PCs by regenerating their hard disk drives from any bad sector.

HDD Regenerator screenshot 2

Here are some key features of "HDD Regenerator":

� Ability to detect physical bad sectors on a hard disk drive surface
� Ability to repair physical bad sectors (magnetic errors) on a hard disk surface
� The product ignores file system, scans disk at physical level. It can be used with FAT, NTFS or any other file system, and also with unformatted or unpartitioned disks
� Bootable regenerating diskette allows starting regenerating process under DOS automatically
� Bootable regenerating CD can be created from the program and used to automatically start regenerating process

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