AVG Anti-Virus Professional 9.0.730.1834 + Keygen

AVG Anti-Virus Professional 9.0.730.1834 |100.3 MB

AVG Anti-Virus menyediakan semua Grisoft � s maju metode pendeteksian virus dan komponen, termasuk analisis heuristik, generic detection, scanning, dan memeriksa integritas. Ini adalah bagian integral dari AVG Anti-Virus plus Firewall Edition dan dapat diakses melalui AVG Control Center. Menjaga komputer yang terinstal AVG Firewall membantu untuk menjaga dan melindungi privasi informasi pribadi dari yang dikirim dari komputer Anda tanpa seizin Anda. AVG Anti-Virus plus Firewall Edition adalah produk ideal untuk melindungi rumah satu PC atau workstation dari ancaman eksternal seperti virus, internet, atau jaringan lainnya pengguna. AVG Anti-Virus plus Firewall mudah untuk menginstal dan beroperasi. Tidak diperlukan keahlian TI dan dapat berjalan di latar belakang, memberikan perlindungan tidak terganggu. Semua aktivitas jaringan yang tidak sah akan diblokir secara otomatis, sehingga Anda dapat melanjutkan dengan pekerjaan Anda tanpa khawatir tentang serangan eksternal. AVG Anti-Virus plus Firewall sangat bisa diandalkan, cepat dan cahaya pada sumber daya, sehingga, tidak peduli seberapa menuntut pengguna Anda, AVG Anti-Virus plus Firewall tidak akan memperlambat kinerja Anda.

Semua file dan e-mail terus-menerus mengamati aktivitas untuk menghilangkan ancaman virus.

AVG Anti-Virus provides all of Grisoft�s advanced virus detection methods and components, including heuristic analysis, generic detection, scanning, and integrity checking. It is an integral part of the AVG Anti-Virus plus Firewall Edition and is accessible via the AVG Control Center. Safeguarding the computer on which it is installed AVG Firewall helps to maintain privacy and protects personally identifiable information from being sent from your computer without your permission. AVG Anti-Virus plus Firewall Edition is the ideal product to protect your single home PC or workstation from external threats such as viruses, the internet, or other network users. AVG Anti-Virus plus Firewall is simple to install and operate. No IT expertise is required and it can run in the background, providing uninterrupted protection. All unauthorized network activity is blocked automatically, allowing you to get on with your work without worrying about external attacks. AVG Anti-Virus plus Firewall is very reliable, fast and light on resources, so, no matter how demanding a user you are, AVG Anti-Virus plus Firewall won't slow down your performance.

All file and e-mail activity is continually scanned to eliminate the threat of viruses.

� Anti-Virus protects from viruses, worms and trojans
� Firewall protects from hackers

Here are some key features of "AVG Anti-Virus plus Firewall":
� Easy to use protection install and forget
� New program versions and updates, for free, throughout the license duration
� Quality proven by all major antivirus certifications (VirusBulletin, ICSA, West Coast Labs Checkmark)
� 24/7 technical support provided at no extra cost
� Improved virus detection based on better heuristics and NTFS data streams scanning
� Automatic firewall profile switching for improved security and usability


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