ESET Smart Security v4.2.22.0
ESET Smart Security v4.2.22.0 - 45.75MB

NOD32 menyediakan keseimbangan, state-of-the-art dalam perlindungan terhadap ancaman yang membahayakan PC dan sistem perusahaan berjalan berbagai platform dari Microsoft Windows melalui sejumlah UNIX / Linux, Novell, MS DOS sistem operasi ke Microsoft Exchange Server, Lotus Domino dan lain-lain mail server.

Trojans, virus, worm dan malware lainnya menggunakan NOD32 yang dijauhkan dari jarak data berharga anda. Advanced metode pendeteksian diimplementasikan dalam perangkat lunak bahkan memberikan perlindungan terhadap ancaman di masa depan dari sebagian besar worm dan virus baru.

Generasi keempat dari NOD32 Antivirus System fitur software yang terintegrasi yang dapat dilihat dari deteksi yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya track record, pemindaian tercepat dan sangat rendah tingkat pemanfaatan sumber daya sistem.

NOD32's detection efisiensi dikombinasikan dengan 2-50 kali lebih cepat laju pemindaian hard disk yang diperoleh produk banyak penghargaan bergengsi internasional.

NOD32 adalah pemimpin dunia Virus Bulletin 100% Awards setelah memenangkan lebih banyak penghargaan (21) daripada produk pesaing. Sejak pertama untuk menguji kepatuhan pada Mei 1998, NOD32 adalah satu-satunya produk yang diuji tidak pernah melewatkan satu Pada Wild virus.

NOD32 provides well balanced, state-of-the-art protection against threats endangering your PC and enterprise systems running various platforms from Microsoft Windows through a number of UNIX/Linux, Novell, MS DOS operating systems to Microsoft Exchange Server, Lotus Domino and other mail servers.

Trojans, viruses, worms and other malware using NOD32 are kept out of striking distance of your valuable data. Advanced detection methods implemented in the software even provide protection against the future threats from most of the new worms and viruses.

The fourth generation of the NOD32 Antivirus System features a fully integrated software suite characterized by an unprecedented detection track record, the fastest scanning rates and extremely low utilization of system resources.

NOD32's detection efficiency combined with 2-50 times faster hard disk scanning rate earned the product many international prestigious awards.

NOD32 is the world leader of the Virus Bulletin 100% Awards having won more awards (21) than any competing product. Since its first submission for testing in May 1998, NOD32 was the only tested product that has never missed a single In the Wild virus.


� ThreatSense technology - a single optimized anti-threat engine for analyzing code to identify malicious behavior, such as viruses, spyware, adware, phishing and more
� Unprecedented heuristic analysis capable of discovering new malware threats as they emerge
� Powerful virtual PC emulation technology enables unpacking and decryption of all types of archives and run-time packing
� Able to clean active malware running in memory
� Protects at multiple infiltration points, including HTTP, POP3, SMTP and all local and removable media
� Removes infections from files that are locked for writing (e.g., loaded DLL file)
� Prevents infected files from being opened and executed, and warns on creation of infected files
� Automatic execution on system startup
� Supports multiple Terminal Server environments
� Supports scanning of mapped network disks

Via Idws


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