Avast Home Edition 5.0.314 Beta Multilingual

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Avast! Home Edition 5.0.314 Beta Multilingual | 38.3 MB

Avast Home Edition 5.0.314 Beta Multilingual adalah salah satu program antivirus yang paling populer. Mekanisme perlindungan produk antivirus Avast! didasarkan pada teknologi tinggi. Kecepatan dan efisien menggunakan update yang maju maju dam mempunyai pertahanan yang berlapis lapis terhadap semua sumber infeksi secara real time, produk Avast! selalu berdiri untuk menjaga keamanan komputer Anda. Avast! mengumpulkan semua teknologi kinerja tinggi untuk satu tujuan: untuk memberikan perlindungan tinkat tinggi terhadap virus komputer. Software ini merupakan solusi ideal untuk workstation yang didasarkan pada Windows.

Avast Home Edition 5.0.314 Beta Multilingual is one of the most popular antivirus programs. The mechanism of protection of antivirus products Avast! based on high-technology. Using speed and efficient updates and advanced multi-layered defense against all sources of infection in real time, products Avast! always stands guard over the security of your computer. Avast! collected all high-performance technology for one purpose: to provide you the highest level ofprotection against computer viruses. This soft is the ideal solution for workstations based on Windows.

The Main Features of Avast!:
- Resident and regular scanners
- Check all incoming and outgoing mail,
- Integration into the system,
- Blocking of potentially dangerous scripts on web pages,
- Work from the command line
- Scheduler,
- Possibility of auto-update via the Internet.


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